Onsite UXR Planning — Refer to this for the plan
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1zommLXDooE7EWt34EYTXI1LAKgVCCw3QzdCk6jKbzbw/edit#gid=780000079Connect your Google account — Refer to this db for participants, personas, and questionnaires.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1x9nlUklH9nLMCvdM2xZtLM7HX9A3sj3ESq45_V5ogao/edit#gid=2090974592Connect your Google account — Participants List
Research — On site (1:1 Interviews) — Questionnaire based on Persona

Fun Ice-breaker Activity | 1–1 Interviews | Focus Groups | Card Sorting | AMA Sessions
Fun Ice-breaker Activity
How? — A group of 5–6 learners + 1 Scaler Team member sat in a group where 1 member comes forward to look at a picture and whispers the description of the picture to the next member followed by the same until the last member. Now the last member draws what he/she could perceive after a series of hanging descriptions. At last, all the drawings were compared and the participants were asked to vote for a winner.

Focus Groups
A group of 10–15 learners with a diversified persona in a room being asked open-ended questions about their journey so far with Scaler with a deep dive into all the key USPs offered by Scaler to praise/criticize to bring out insights and actionable.

Amar, Vikash, and Ash
- What motivated you to join Scaler, and what were you hoping to achieve through the program
- Overall, how has your experience been with Scaler so far? What do you like and dislike about the program
- Have you used any other online learning platforms before Scaler? If so, how does Scaler compare to those platforms
- Have you experienced any issues with accessing Scaler’s course materials or Dashboard? If so, how were those issues resolved
- In your opinion, what is the most important feature of Scaler’s program that has helped you the most in your learning journey
- How would you rate the quality of Scaler’s course content? What do you like and dislike about it
- How do you typically receive notifications or updates about your upcoming classes or assignments on Scaler
- Before you purchased the Scaler, were you familiar with the concept of mentorship? If yes, can you tell us a little bit about your experience with mentorship, and how that influenced your decision to enroll in the Scaler course
- Do you have a favorite mentor on Scaler’s program? What do you appreciate most about their mentorship style
- Have you intentionally skipped booking a Mentor session so far? If yes, What were the reasons
- Have you participated in the SAT process for batch allocation? If yes, How did you feel about the batch allocation process overall
- Were you satisfied with the batch that you were ultimately placed in, or did you feel that you would have been better suited to a different group?
Card-Sorting Activity
The Card sorting exercise was aimed at getting an understanding of how users perceive the various offerings & information they see on the dashboard.

The activity involved asking to sort information on our paid platform into common groups as they saw fit and naming those categories.
No. of Participants: 5
View Exercise Details & Analysis

User Feedback
While cross-questioning, we received multiple feedback;
- Even when minor changes are done to the dashboard, those are not communicated which leads to users raising tickets.
- “User could not find Archive classes after multiple tickets being raised as the new changes on dashboard moving the location of Archived was not communicated.”
- Users wanted more flexibility over choosing recorded lectures.
AMA Session

- Mentorship Feedback:
- There are mentor no-shows
- Option to select mentors
- Parameters to select mentors: LinkedIn profile, Peer feedback, Slot availability, a small demo video of the mentor
- No-shows are counted as mentor sessions
- One learner loved Scaler, after joining it. Says that he didn’t have the idea via external touchpoints that the inside learning journey would be so awesome.
- One learner said that personal touch adds more comfort in making decisions about whether to buy a course or not. They get more convinced by alumni
- Heatmap in Scaler profile, so that they can share it on their resume and show how much hard work they have done.
- Learners said that there is too much marketing, right now
- For DSML:We learner’s expectation was to get higher rewards for each successful referral.
1–1 Interviews
On-Site UXR (1:1 Interviews): In-depth Analysis
Key Insights:
Pod-wise Key Insights
1:1 Interview (Persona 1)
1:1 Interview (Persona 2 & 3)
1:1 Interview (Persona 5 — Raising a High Volume of Support Tickets)

Outcomes Presentation